

Complimentary Digital Download

此數碼檔隨張盛德【天命】專輯附送,需註冊本網站成用戶,以及輸入專輯唱片提供的個別序號方能下載。內附24bits 高清音檔以及 320kbps mp3。

This Digital download are complimentary product with the purchase of the relevant CD. You need to be registered as a user and need to enter the unique serial number provided in the CD in order to download the 24bits wave and 320kbps mp3.

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此數碼檔隨張盛德【天命】專輯附送,需註冊本網站成用戶,以及輸入專輯唱片提供的個別序號方能下載。內附24bits 高清音檔以及 320kbps mp3。

This Digital download are complimentary product with the purchase of the relevant CD. You need to be registered as a user and need to enter the unique serial number provided in the CD in order to download the 24bits wave and 320kbps mp3.